Kellam's 2024-25 Academic Advising & Course Registration process will begin in January 2024.
Please visit the Course Registration Hub which includes information about courses taught at Kellam, typical academic pathways, graduation requirements, student activities, and additional resources to help students make decisions about their Academic Career Plan.
Any requested schedule change for the 2023-24 academic year must be submitted for administrative approval and meet specific eligibility requirements.

(added after the GPA calculation)

The VBCPS Technical & Career Education Center (TCE) opened its doors in 1972. Since then, the Tech Center has maintained focus on career preparation for 11th & 12th grade students.
For more info on the Tech Center's 23 credentialed programs click here or visit the TCE website by clicking the image. You are also invited to attend the TCE Virtual Open House on Feb. 7, 2024.
Initial student applications for the 2024-25 school year will be accepted through Feb. 9, 2024.
The VBCPS Environmental Studies Program at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Brock Environmental Center offers a unique opportunity for students to expand their understanding of sustainable economics and business innovation, social sustainability, environmental sustainability and natural resource stewardship.
For more information, click the image to access their website, the program's GoogleSite, or check out their informational video.
Interested studetns must submit an application before February 12, 2024.
Register for AP exams via your CollegeBoard account & Total Registration before the deadline.
Digital copies of Kellam's Course Registration sheets are under our "FORMS" page!